Time: October 28, 2016 Venue: Department of Taiwanese Language and Media Communication, National Lian-he University,...
Presenter: Jarmila Ptáčková (Postdoctoral Fellow, Oriental Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences) Moderator: Wang Ming-ke 王明珂 (Distinguished Research Fellow, Institute of History and Philology, AS) Discussant: Tommaso Previato (Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of History and Philology, AS) Time:...
Speaker: Dr. Niki Alford (Postdoctoral Fellow, Oriental Institute, CAS) Discussant: Dr. Christopher Gerties (SOAS) Time: June 2 from 4:00-5.30 pm. Venue: Oriental Institute, CAS,...
Presenter: Věra Exnerová (Reseach Fellow, Oriental Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences) Moderator: Wang Ming-ke王明珂(Distinguished Research Fellow, Institute of History and Philology, AS) Time: 14:00–17:30, May 5, 2016 Venue: ...
THE FOURTH MEETING OF THE TAIPEI YOUNG SCHOLARS SEMINAR ON ANCIENT CHINA: “The Shape of Writing Slips and Material Culture” Venue: April 21, 2016, 10:00–15:30 Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Researcher Building, Conference Room 702. 歷史語言研究所研究大樓702會議室 Organizers: Sifenxi Reading Group on...
THE THIRD MEETING OF THE TAIPEI YOUNG SCHOLARS SEMINAR ON ANCIENT CHINA: “Empire, Border, Mountain Towns”: Discussion on Regional History Venue: April 1, 2016, 14:30–17:30 National Taiwan University, Department of History, Conference Room Organizers: Reading Group on Ancient and Qin-Han History Working Group on Ming-Qing...
The 13th EATS Conference will take place in Prague, Czech Republic, 30 March–1 April 2016. The main theme of the conference is Powerful and Powerless. Power relationships, broadly understood, pervade society on many levels and in many guises. They may be explicit or implicit, acknowledged or hidden, based on outright coercion or,...
Time:2016.3.16(Wednesday)10:00-12:00 Venue:Conference Room 111, Department of Chinese Literature and Language, National Cheng-chi University Moderator:Prof. Lin Chi-Ping 林啟屏, distinguished professor and the dean of the Faculty of...
Taipei young scholars seminar on ancient china: 2nd event Program Session 1:Talk Speaker:Liu Hongtao 劉洪濤(Suzhou Normal University, Faculty of Linguistics 江蘇師範大學語言科學學院) Theme:Why Ancient China Studies Have to Pay Attention to Grammatical Knowledge? 古代中國研究須重視語法知識 Session 2:Commented...