Taiwan Resource Center for Chinese Studies
In line with the internationalization of Chinese studies and efforts by the Taiwanese government to promote “Chinese culture with Taiwanese characteristics,” the National Central Library (NCL) began in 2012 to establish overseas Taiwan Resource Center for Chinese Studies (TRCCS) based on the library’s publication exchange ties and three decades of academic interactions in the field of Chinese studies. Located at major universities and research institutes abroad, the center aims to promote international exchanges in Chinese studies, promote Taiwan’s achievements in Sinology, collaboratively build a global Sinological resource and information platform and broaden and deepen cultural exchanges between the Chinese and Western worlds.
National Central Library has recently decided that the annual book donations will be focused to the Oriental Institute’s research plan Power and Strategies of Social and Political Order.
The list of Books Donated in 2015
E-databases provided by the National Central Library and major institutes in Taiwan
(The following databases and online sources are available for readers at the main library of the Oriental Institute)
Chinese Title | Romanized Title | English Title | Created by |
當代名人手稿典藏系統 | Dangdai mingren shougao diancang xitong | Contemporary Celebrities’ Manuscripts | National Central Library |
The National Central Library has established the Contemporary Celebrities’ Manuscript System, where it is systematically adding full-text images of manuscripts and drawings of writers, politicians, scientists, military experts, businessmen etc. in its possession to increase their use in social education.
Chinese Title | Romanized Title | English Title | Created by |
臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統 | Taiwan bo-suoshi lunwen zhishi jiazhi xitong | National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan | National Central Library |
Provides access to abstracts, in both Chinese and English, of academic dissertations and theses approved by the Ministry of Education of Taiwan since 1956. About 5000 thesis are now available via open-acceess. TRCCC provides access to all thesis published on Taiwan.
Chinese Title | Romanized Title | English Title | Created by |
臺灣期刊論文索引系統 | Taiwan qikan lunwen suoyin xitong | PerioPath: Index to Taiwan Periodical Literature System | National Central Library |
This system is created and maintained by the Periodical Section of Reader Services Division of the National Central Library.
PerioPath is an online index and a periodical article delivery services, it contains the articles information of approximately 2600 titles of Chinese and Western language periodicals published in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau from 1994. You can search under article title, author, class code, keyword, journal title, and publication date, etc. to retrieve information of recent articles. It obviously not only promotes periodicals resources sharing, but also facilitates research and development activities.
The system is delivering citation and image information of articles currently received by the Periodical Section of the National Central Library. After registering the document delivery application, you can either read the article online, or choose fax services to receive facsimile copies almost immediately.
The system provides Easy searching, Expert searching and Command Mode for various user requirements.
Chinese Title | Romanized Title | English Title | Created by |
中文古籍聯合目錄 | Zhongwen fuji liane mulu | Union Catalog of Rare Books Database | National Central Library |
The Database of the Union Catalog of Chinese Rare Books was established in 2000 enhancing international cooperation, promoting the joint creation and sharing of bibliographic resources on Chinese rare books. The NCL is in charge of building the database and handling liaison with over 60 cooperation partners for the system.
Since 2012, the Bavarian State Library, the National Library of France, and the Oxford University Library have all joined the system and made the bibliographic records for its extensive collection of Chinese rare books available for inclusion in the database system. With over 640,000 bibliographic records, the database has made a considerable contribution to the sharing of bibliographic records for Chinese rare books and facilitated online searches for such resources.
Chinese Title | Romanized Title | English Title | Created by |
古籍影像檢索系統 | Guji yingxiang jiansuo xitong | Rare Books Image Search System | National Central Library |
Since the year 2005, the Library of Congress and National Central Library officially signed a digitisation of rare books cooperation agreement. This was extended to 2007 until the end of 2012. This project was funded and supported by the National Science & Technology Council “Taiwan e-Learning & Digital Archives Program” (TELDAP) program and the Ministry of Education.
This enabled the progressive digitization of titles from Sung, Ming, Ching and Korean ancient documents. The digitized outcomes are posted in the NCL Rare Books Image Search System http://rarebook.ncl.edu.tw/rbook.cgi/hypage.cgi?HYPAGE=home/rbook_home_eng.htm providing a global service.
Chinese Title | Romanized Title | English Title | Created by |
金石拓片資料 | Jin shi ta pian zi liao | Rubbing | National Central Library |
This is a digital collection of bronze and stone rubbings held in the National Central Library. Among the more than 6,000 items in the database there are more than 2,000 epitaphs.
Chinese Title | Romanized Title | English Title | Created by |
善本古籍數位典藏系統 | Shan ben gu ji shu wei dian cang xi tong | Digital Archive of Rare Books | National Central Library |
- Full-Text Image System for Books of Japanese Ruled Period 日治時期圖書全文影像系統
- Full-Text Image System for Periodicals of Japanese Ruled Period 日治時期期刊全文影像系統
Chinese Studies Electronic Resources
- Chinese Civilization in Time and Space 中華文明之時空基礎架構 (中研院人社中心GIS研究專題中心)
- Academia Sinica Newsletter 中國文哲研究通訊全文索引及 (中研院中國文哲所)
- Academia Sinica Bulletin 中國文哲研究集刊全文 (中研院中國文哲所)
- Database of Ethnic Minorities in Southwest China 中國西南少數民族資料庫 (中研院史語所)
- Online Public Access Catalogue for the Digital Archives of Archaeological Data 考古資料數位典藏資料庫 (中研院史語所)
- Scripta Sinica database 漢籍電子文獻資料庫 (中研院史語所)
- Archives, Institute of Modern History Online Database 中研院近史所檔案館館藏檢索系統 (中研院近史所檔案館)
- Qing Dynasty Treaties and Agreements Preserved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China (Taiwan) 中華民國外交部保存之前清條約協定 (外交部、國立故宮博物院)
- E-Publication Platform System 電子書刊送存閱覽服務系統 (國家圖書館)
- Current Contents of Foreign Periodicais in Chinese Studies 外文期刊漢學論著目次資料庫 (國家圖書館漢學研究中心)
- Bibliography of Research on Han Philosophers 兩漢諸子研究論著目錄資料庫 (國家圖書館漢學研究中心)
- Foreign Sinologists Dissertation Abstract Database 典藏國際漢學博士論文摘要資料庫 (國家圖書館漢學研究中心)
- Contents of the Combined Collections of Ming Authors 明人文集聯合目錄 (國家圖書館漢學研究中心)
- Bibliography of Dunhuang Studies 敦煌學研究論著目錄資料庫 (國家圖書館漢學研究中心)
- Bibliography of Research on the Classics 經學研究論著目錄資料庫 (國家圖書館漢學研究中心)
- Cross-Database Search 跨資料庫檢索 (國家圖書館漢學研究中心)
- Full-text Database of Publications by the Center for Chinese Studies 漢學中心出版品全文資料庫 (國家圖書館漢學研究中心)
- Database of Mainland Chinese Periodicals 漢學中心典藏大陸期刊篇目索引資料庫 (國家圖書館漢學研究中心)
- Database of the Center for Chinese Studies Collection 漢學研究中心典藏書刊目錄資料庫 (國家圖書館漢學研究中心)
- Bibliography of Research of Wei-jin Xuan Xue Philosophy 魏晉玄學研究論著目錄資料庫 (國家圖書館漢學研究中心)
Taiwan Studies Electronic Resources
- Taiwan History and Culture in Time and Space 台灣歷史文化地圖 (中研院人社中心GIS研究專題中心)
- 人類學田野研究地圖 人類學田野研究地圖 (中研院民族所)
- 古契書 古契書 (中研院民族所)
- Taiwan Ethnography Video and Audio Archive 台灣民族誌數位影音典藏計畫 (中研院民族所)
- 台灣區社會學論文摘要資料庫 台灣區社會學論文摘要資料庫 (中研院民族所)
- 民族所出版品 民族所出版品 (中研院民族所)
- 田野照片 田野照片 (中研院民族所)
- 田野影音記錄 田野影音記錄 (中研院民族所)
- 宗教調查 宗教調查 (中研院民族所)
- 研究人員著作 研究人員著作 (中研院民族所)
- 博物館典藏文物 博物館典藏文物 (中研院民族所)
- Bibliography Database of Taiwanese Folk Religion 臺灣民間信仰書目資料庫 (中研院民族所)
- 臺灣地區心理學論著摘要資料庫 臺灣地區心理學論著摘要資料庫 (中研院民族所)
- Taiwan Collectanea Search System 臺灣文獻叢刊資料庫 (中研院臺史所檔案館)
- Taiwan Archival Information System 臺灣史檔案資源系統 (中研院臺史所檔案館)
- Taiwan Rare Books Collection 臺灣研究古籍資料庫 (中研院臺史所檔案館)
- Taiwan Sotokufu Personnel Directory 臺灣總督府職員錄系統 (中研院臺史所檔案館)
- National Repository of Cultural Heritage 國家文化資料庫 (文化部)
- 文學文物典藏系統 文學文物典藏系統 (國立台灣文學館)
- Digital Archive Datebase for Written Taiwanese 台語文數位典藏資料庫 (國立台灣文學館)
- Journal of Taiwan Literary Studies 台灣文學研究學報資料庫 (國立台灣文學館)
- Newsletter of the National Museum of Taiwan Literature 台灣文學館通訊資料庫 (國立台灣文學館)
- 台灣作家作品目錄系統 台灣作家作品目錄系統 (國立台灣文學館)
- 台灣現當代作家研究資料庫 台灣現當代作家研究資料庫 (國立台灣文學館)
- Peh-oe-ji Digital Archive 白話字數位典藏博物館 (國立台灣文學館)
- 智慧型全臺詩知識庫 智慧型全臺詩知識庫 (國立台灣文學館)
- Yang Kui Literature Museum 楊逵文物數位博物館 (國立台灣文學館)
- Taiwan Politico-economic Informational Database 臺灣政經資料庫 (國立臺灣圖書館)
- Taiwan History Database Collection 臺灣史料集成資料庫 臺灣史料集成資料庫 (國立臺灣歷史博物館)
- Taiwan Humanities Indexes 臺灣文史哲論文集篇目索引系統 (國家圖書館)
- Taiwan Folklore System 臺灣民間傳說主題資料庫 (國家圖書館)
- Taiwan Memory 臺灣記憶 (國家圖書館)
- Taiwan Local Documents Image Database 臺灣鄉土文獻影像資料庫 (國家圖書館)
- The Selected Websites of Taiwan Academic Internet Resorces 臺灣學術網路資源選介主題資料庫 (國家圖書館)
- Taiwan Colonial Court Records Archives 日治法院檔案資料庫 (臺灣大學數位人文研究中心)
- Taiwan History Digital Library 臺灣歷史數位圖書館 (臺灣大學數位人文研究中心)
- Contemporary Celebrities’ Manuscripts 當代名人手稿典藏系統 (國家圖書館)