Abstract The talk explores the emergence of national consciousness and nationalist ideology of Uyghurs in Xinjiang from c. 1900-1949. Drawing from texts written by modern Uyghur intellectuals, politicians and propagandists throughout this period, the talk identifies diverse types of Uyghur discourse on the nation and national interest, and traces...
Time: 9:30–11:00 Venue: Chinese Department of Tsinghua University, Hsin-chu Abstract: 此次演講將討論先秦至西漢文獻中的一些與古典學學者 Alessandro Vatri 在古希臘文獻裡所指出的有益於記憶的文本結構與文筆特徵 (“mnemonic facilitators”)...
On December 5, 2015 Dr. Ondřej Beránek, director of the Oriental Institute, participated in the Reading Festival and contributed with opening...
On December 4, 2015 Dr. Ondřej Beránek and other OI researchers visited National Central Library (Taiwan). The Oriental Institute in cooperation with National Central Library operates the Taiwanese Center for Chinese Studies. We are happy to announce that the Library is considering to help us with promotion of their online resources and...
On December 3, 2015, the Research Center of the Oriental Institute (Czech Academy of Sciences) at Academia Sinica in Taiwan (RCT) has been established. Prof. Wang Fan-sen, the vice-president of the Academia Sinica, Prof. Huang Chin-shing, the director of the Institute of History and Philology, and Dr. Beránek, the director of the Oriental...
Abstract: Presentation focuses on the notions of Chinese literature, Taiwan literature, and Sinophone literature in the European academic context. It gives a brief summary of the concept of Sinophone literature. Rather than to start out from a predetermined set of definitions in order to explore how these three concepts are negotiated on a...
The round table first presents a new book by the Oriental Institute’s Research Fellow Ondřej Klimeš Struggle by the Pen: The Uyghur Discourse of Nation and National Interest, c. 1900-1949 (Brill, 2015), which explores the emergence of national consciousness and nationalist ideology of Uyghurs in Xinjiang from c. 1900-1949. Drawing from texts...
Abstract Past years have brought resurgence of scholarly interest in the rule of the Chinese Communist Party, and having thus reevaluated the previously valid framework of “the coming collapse of the Chinese party-state” in observing contemporary politics in the People’s Republic of China. There is a general consensus that the PRC continues...
1) Communication and Cooperation in Early Imperial China The talk draws from received history, the results of archaeological excavation, and current secondary scholarship to argue for the importance of non-coercive government under the early empire. It argues that despite its reputation as a harsh and totalitarian regime, the Qin dynasty...